Events14 March 2016

Full house at Sanremo in Fiore!

Sanremo in Fiore, the second most important event in Sanremo, every year welcomes about 40-50 thousand visitors and this year has seen the full house as well!

Full house at Sanremo in Fiore!

Sanremo in Fiore, the second most important event in Sanremo – this year with the theme "Once upon a time ... the magical world of fairy tales" - every year welcomes about 40-50 thousand visitors and this year has seen the full house as well!

In fact, for the future, the plan is to lengthen the duration of the festival, with new events, and to widen the offer to foreign markets. Sanremo in Fiore every year is already broadcasted live by Italian TV Raiuno providing an hour of images of San Remo and the Riviera.

Here below this year's floats, their fairy tale theme, and awards:

Out of competition, Sanremo's float, made of local flowers only, opened the parade: a tribute to Sanremo designer Antonio Rubino. The float represented illustrations by Rubino, with a small house, animated flowers and a mischievous moon.

All tickets for this event were sold out and hotels full.


Deborah Bellotti

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