Local products19 January 2020

Recipe of the week: Frisceu (fritters) of mushrooms without eggs

Specialty of Genoa, one of the many frisceu; vegan recipe.

Credit maggioranapersa

Credit maggioranapersa

You must add water or flour depending on the density obtained because the difficulty is precisely the density that must be neither too much nor too liquid, otherwise it slips on the ingredient that should be battered! Even if they are fried by spoonfuls they must have the right consistency so as not to flatten miserably in the pan!


  • Honey or agaric mushrooms, 300 grams
  • Flour, 200 grams
  • Water, 165 grams
  • Brewer's yeast, 8 grams
  • Oregano, a spoon
  • Salt
  • Peanut or olive oil for frying

[Credit maggioranapersa ]


  1. Prepare the batter. Dissolve the yeast in warm water and mix in a bowl (or robot) with the flour, using a whisk to remove any lumps.
  2. Stir in half a teaspoon of salt and oregano. Cover and let rise in the warm for an hour or until it has doubled in volume. Meanwhile prepare the mushrooms. If you have collected them, you need to clean them and cut the stems. Wash them thoroughly.
  3. If they are trulle or "bats of drum" (Lepiota procera), cut them in four or more parts, always removing the stems, and cook them for a few minutes with a little salt in a non-stick pan, to expel the water of vegetation. Let them cool and dry with kitchen paper.
  4. When the batter has risen, heat plenty of oil in a medium heat pan.
  5. With the help of clamps, immerse each mushroom cap in the dough and put it in the oil. Fry on one side and, when it is golden, turn the mushroom fritter to the other side: it will take about three or four minutes.
  6. Dry each frisceu on absorbent paper.

Alternatively, you can also cut the mushrooms into cubes and mix them with the batter and fry them by spoonfuls!

They can be kept warm by heating the oven to 100 degrees and then turning it off.

Judit Neuberger


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