Business21 March 2022

Italian excellence on the table with a simple click

Italian excellence on the table with a simple click

Today, in the field of food products to bring to the table, we are increasingly looking for excellence. The consumer is interested in the origin of the products, the way in which they are prepared respecting also the tradition and above all the local typicality. Anyone involved in catering now knows how important it is to combine the culinary tradition with the excellence of the territory and how successful its proposals in the kitchen can be. The choice of the supplier can make the difference in terms of quality, freshness and authenticity of the products. Furthermore, on-time delivery must be a minimum requirement. Italy is well known in the world for its art, its culture, its fashion but also and above all for its good gastronomy, in fact, it is a treasure of gastronomic excellence. Italian cuisine is among the best known and most appreciated in the world. Just think of the many imitations of “Made in Italy” dishes offered in renowned restaurants around the globe, but which often have nothing of Italian at all! Each region in our country offers an extraordinary variety of delicious dishes and original recipes. Home of the largest number of DOP, DOC and IGP certified food producers, Italy is a treasure trove of gastronomic excellence that everyone envies us and tries to imitate.

The best way to start a meal is with appetizers

If Italy is known mainly for its pasta, but also for its tasty vegetables grown with love in the sun, dried tomatoes, peppers, courgettes and grilled aubergines are often on the Antipasti menu. Sprinkled with flakes of Parmesan cheese or accompanied by slices of mozzarella, the artichoke hearts will bring the fragrant taste of Italy to your plate right from the start of the meal. The menu also includes cured meats, such as cooked ham, porchetta, culatello, raw ham, Parma ham, sausage, mortadella, coppa, bresaola, speck, pancetta, lard or even anchovies, shrimp and marinated squid. Everything is finely seasoned with olive oil and often with a touch of balsamic vinegar. Dosages and methods may vary according to the seasons and the mood of the cook.

After there are the cheeses

 In addition to the essential mozzarella, gorgonzola and parmigiano reggiano, a whole world of flavors awaits to be revealed: stracciatella, provolone, smoked scamorza, taleggio, pecorino, ricotta, the choice is almost unlimited. And again, the quality is there. Did you know that Italy holds the record for the number of cheeses awarded the Protected Designation of Origin? Among the excellences we cannot forget vinegars and olive oils: princely condiments Balsamic vinegar is a sweet and sour condiment originally from Emilia-Romagna. Produced exclusively from cooked must, it deliciously flavors salads, cooked dishes and some fruits such as strawberries. Sweet or strong, more or less fruity, the different varieties of olive oils are a treasure of the Mediterranean and a foundation of Italian cuisine.

In short, from pasta with Piedmontese truffles, from balsamic vinegar of Modena to olive oil, cheeses, desserts, sauces and cured meats, today everything can be comfortably on the table with a few clicks! There are many Italian culinary specialties and are synonymous not only with high quality, but also with ancestral know-how. With Orobica Food, a reference company for catering professionals, the customer is catapulted into the most traditional and authentic regional flavors, not only providing them with the excellences present in the vast gastronomic panorama, but supporting them daily in their choices and projects. This company puts first the search for food and wine excellence combined with precise logistics to guarantee an impeccable and punctual service to the catering partners. A wide variety of new and tasty products are accessible on its site directly from your computer, tablet or smartphone. Orobica Food has only excellent products in its catalog, which make it the reference company for professionals in the Horeca sector.


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